23 Jan

Pain is an inevitable fact of life, much like death and taxes. When we feel physical pain, it tends to take over our thoughts and overwhelm us with feelings of discomfort and irritability. This makes it incredibly difficult to go about our daily tasks and routines and accomplish work productively.

Roughly 50% of the global population is impacted by a very specific and debilitating form of pain: menstrual cramps. When a woman is on her period, it is not only menstrual cramps that tend to cause pain, however. She may also experience issues such as back pain, headaches and nipple soreness compounded by mood instability including sadness, irritability, and rage.

All of these things combine to create 3-7 days of intense stress, frustration and impairment. After all, it is significantly more challenging to function on a daily basis when you are battling with rapidly fluctuating mood swings on top of aggravating and sometimes even untenable pain.

But many women do not realise that there is simply no need to endure pain and discomfort of this magnitude through gritted teeth. They can instead find relief through codeine tablets.

What Are Codeine Tablets?

Codeine is a popular opioid analgesic medication that works swiftly to induce feelings of relaxation and immense comfort in people dealing with consistent debilitating pain of mild to moderate intensity. Codeine tablets are therefore the perfect solution for women grappling with consistent impairing menstrual cramps, and any other adverse impacts of being on their period.

Codeine can even be combined with milder analgesics, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, in order to produce a more potent painkilling effect. In addition, many people love to buy codeine 30mg tablets because they triple as diarrhoea and dry coughing medication. This multi-purpose analgesic medication is therefore ideal for anyone who prefers a medication with many functions.

Dosage and Usage Instructions

When you buy codeine 30mg tablets online, it is imperative you carefully read the following instructions for use and dosage constraints:

  • If you are looking to alleviate pain, the recommended dosage of codeine tablets is 15-60mg a maximum of 4 times a day as the total daily dosage should not exceed 240mg.
  • If you are intent on treating dry coughing, you can take 10-20mg of codeine 4-6 times a day without exceeding a daily dosage of 120mg.
  • Finally, if you are battling diarrhoea you can ingest 30-60mg of codeine 3-4 times a day.
  • Codeine tablets should be swallowed whole and ingested with a glass of water.

Many people are opting to buy codeine 30mg using select online pharmacies. The reason for this is that they offer superior convenience unparalleled by regular in-store pharmacies. Online pharmacies enable you to purchase your medication from the comfort of your own home stress-free. They also allow you to not have to worry about braving long queues or heavy traffic.

Instead you can simply put your feet up after making your order and continue life as usual before receiving your medication directly at your doorstep a maximum of one week later.

Buy Codeine 30mg Tablets from Our Online Store

Our reputable online UK sleeping pills pharmacy offers only the best there is in terms of affordable, high-functioning generic medications. We also provide 24/7 customer service and ultra-fast delivery. Buy codeine 30mg from our online store now.

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